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How does your service operate and what's involved in the process?

We assist clients Australia-wide and can have discussions in person at your place or ours, over the phone or video at a time convenient for you. Our process consists of the following steps:

Initial discussions - our first step is to get to know you, your circumstances and what you're motivated to achieve both now and into the future.  

Information gathering - receiving information about your financial position and proposed transactions. 

Review & strategise - We review your position, borrowing capacity and determine different strategy and loan structuring options that are tailored to your needs. These are discussed with you and compared for your consideration, featuring a shortlist of optimal loans for you to make a choice.  

Select & implement - once an option is agreed upon, we then submit the loan for approval, negotiate with the bank's credit department and assist you to understand and sign the loan documents.


Settlement - monitoring the final stages to ensure a smooth process and completion of the loan. 

Ongoing service and reviews - our service doesn't end once a loan is finalised. We conduct periodic reviews of your facility to ensure it remains suitable and highly competitive (this is an informal 'check in' with you, not a bank review). We are also your main contact point for discussing and making any amendments to your facilities such as borrowing further funds, switching between products, splitting loans, amending security etc. 


Our aim is to build a genuine, long term client relationships and we're always happy to discuss your funding arrangements at any time. 

Are there any costs involved with using your services and why is this?

There are no costs for clients utilising our services as we receive upfront and deferred upfront (trail) commissions from the bank that is selected, which we disclose to you via our Credit Proposal document. This benefits a borrower as they receive advice and assistance to borrow from the most suitable and competitive bank for their circumstances, without incurring additional fees or increased rates compared to if they had otherwise gone directly to a bank. It also makes economic sense for the bank, as they only pay a broker if a loan progresses, and the volume of loans introduced and processed by brokers would otherwise needed to have incurred additional direct 'supply costs' by the bank such as extra salaries, advertising, branch rent and numerous other overheads. 

Why partner with us?

As of 2019, the proportion of borrowers that now consult a broker to assist with their finances continues to rise and is just under 60%. We have access to a large lending panel of over 40 major, 2nd tier, regional banks and non-bank lenders, comprising hundreds of personal and business financial products. Not only does this mean we have access to highly competitive rates, fees and products but more importantly this provides access to a wide range of credit policies (i.e. each bank's rules and assessment criteria), which can be crucial for getting approval for your specific funding objectives.

We work on our client's behalf (not the bank) and provide advice and loan structuring options that are designed to put you in the best financial position over the long term. We save you time by highlighting the most beneficial options for your particular situation and empower you to make an informed choice. 

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